High Style

Best style, your own style.

High Performance

The best performance.

High Speed

High acceleration, high speed.

The New Super Car

Enjoy, tell to the world!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Teknologi Informasi

        Teknologi informasi adalah istilah umum untuk teknologi yang membantu manusia dalam menyediakan, menyebarkan, mengubah, maupun menyimpan informasi. Teknologi informasi saat ini sudah sangat berkembang dan beragam. Banyak produk dari teknologi informasi saat ini yang sudah ada di pasaran, contohnya dalam kehidupan sehari - hari kita, seperti komputer, handphone, TV, internet dan masih banyak lagi. Secara detil, TI adalah  adalah suatu teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengolah data, termasuk memproses, mendapatkan, menyusun, menyimpan, memanipulasi data dalam berbagai cara untuk menghasilkan informasi yang berkualitas, yaitu informasi yang relevan, akurat dan tepat waktu, yang digunakan untuk keperluan pribadi, bisnis, dan pemerintahan dan merupakan informasi yang strategis untuk pengambilan keputusan.
       Teknologi saat ini yang sudah berkembang, membuat pekerjaan manusia jauh lebih mudah dan efektif. Tetapi, kemajuan teknologi ini mempunyai berbagai dampak. Dampak positifnya diantara lain adalah sebagai penyedia informasi yang cepat, mudah dan akurat, sebagai pembantu manusia dalam pekerjaan, dll. Adapula  dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan dari perkembangan teknologi, diantaranya, manusia semakin malas atau tidak maksimal dalam pekerjaannya, manusia menjadi sangat tergantung pada alat penyedia informasi seperti TV, HP, Komputer, dll. Bagaimanapun juga perkembangan yang ada harus dipilih dengan sangat selektif agar tidak menimbulkan kerugian.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


                        Kata Pengantar

 Pada akhir tahun 1970-an, bioteknologi mulai dikenal sebagai salah satu revolusi teknologi yang sangat menjanjikan di abad ke 20 ini. Pentingnya bioteknologi secara strategis dan potensinya untuk kontribusi dalam bidang pertanian, pangan, kesehatan, sumber daya alam dan lingkungan mulai menjadi kenyataan yang semakin berkembang. Saat ini walaupun masih dalam taraf pengembangan, industri bioteknologi mulai matang dan menghasilkan produk-produk yang dapat dipasarkan.

                                BAB 1

1.1. Latar Belakang Masalah

 Tape merupakan makanan fermentasi tradisional yang sudah tidak asing lagi. Tape dibuat dari beras, beras ketan, atau dari singkong (ketela pohon). Berbeda dengan makanan-makanan fermentasi lain yang hanya melibatkan satu mikroorganisme yang berperan utama, seperti tempe atau minuman alkohol, pembuatan tape melibatkan banyak mikroorganisme. Proses pembuatan tape melibatkan proses fermentasi yang dilakukan oleh mikroorganisme Saccharomyces cerivisiae . Mikroorganisme ini memiliki kemampuan dalam mengubah karbohidrat (fruktosa dan glukosa) menjadi alkohol dan karbon dioksida . Selain Saccharomyces cerivisiae, dalam proses pembuatan tape ini terlibat pula mikrorganisme lainnya, yaitu Mucor chlamidosporus dan Endomycopsis fibuligera. Kedua mikroorganisme ini turut membantu dalam mengubah pati menjadi gula sederhana(glukosa).

1.2. Permasalahan

 Sehubungan dengan latar belakang masalah di atas, permasalahan yang dibahas dalam karya tulis ilmiah ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Apakah proses fermentasi makanan itu?
 2. Bagaimana proses fermentasi pada tape?
3. Apa kegunaan ragi dalam proses pembuatan tape singkong?
4. Ada berapa macam langkah-langkah dalam proses pembuatan tape singkong?

Saturday, November 23, 2013


                 There are many different stories about pirates. Pirates wear eye patches, have pet parrots, and wooden legs.One of the most popular stories is that pirates buried their treasure. But where does this idea come from, and did it really happen?

          Only one real pirate is known to have buried his treasure. His name was William Kidd, also known as Captain Kidd. Captain Kidd was a Scottish sailor who sailed in the Indian ocean and around the eats coast of North America in 1600s.

          Realizing that one day he might be caught, Captain Kidd traveled to Long Island and buried 100 pounds of gold and silver there. He tought that he could use the treasure to get out of trouble, trading gold and silver for his freedom.

          In 1966, he was caught and put in jail in Boston, Massachusetts. The governor of Massachutetts tricked Kidd into telling him some information and was able to find the treasure. So, in the end his plan didn’t work.

          Some people, however, think it isn’t strange that we don’t know about more pirates who buried their treasure. After all, it wouldn’t be very useful to hide gold and silver, and then tell everyone about it!

          Throughout history it has been very common for people to bury valuable or important things to keep them safe. Today people living in the countryside in England still find posts of buried Roman coins that were hidden by their owners almost two thousand years ago.

Tall Ship

       A tall ship is a type of traditional sailing ship which usually has very tall masts and large sails. Tall ships often have long decks, and some tall ships even have a crow’s nest. While the crew is busy hoisting the sails, climbing the masts, and scrubbing the decks, the captain is usually busy using the wheel to steer the ship. In the caseit starts to sink, many ships also have a lifeboat for the crew to escape in. If someone falls overboard the rest of the crew can call out, “Man overboard!”, and throw the person a life ring to save them. In the past, most people used a compass and a telescope to navigate tall ships, but today most people use GPS.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mr. Bean Live "Amazing Jesus"

Mr.Bean Live "Drunk English in Indian Restaurant"

Mr.Bean Live "Playing Piano"

The other funny  talented showed by Mr.Bean

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Umaid Bhawan Palace

     Umaid Bhawan Palace is a palace located in the city of Jodhpur, India. It has 347 rooms and is one of the largest palaces in the world. Completed in 1945, it took more than 5000 people 15 years to build. As well as being the home of the Jodhpur royal family, Umaid Bhawan Palace also houses a museum and luxury hotel, as well as numerous gardens, fountains, and a swimming pool.  

The Summer Palace

     The Summer Palace is a palace located in Beijing, China. From, 1750 until the end of the Qing Dynasty in 1912, the palace was used as a summer retreat for members of the Chinese imperial family. At the center of the palace is a 2.2 km2 man-made lake, called Kunming Lake. Around the lake are many buildings, gardens, and structures. Today, the Summer Palace is a popular place for tourists to enjoy boating, sightseeing, or just going for walk.

Buckingham Palace

One of the most famous landmarks in London, UK, and one of the most famous palaces in the world, Buckingham Palace has been the official home of British royal family for more than 170 years. Located in the center of London, it is a popular place for tourist to visit. Buckingham Palace has many special features, including a large ballroom, a balcony, and numerous apartments for important guests. It also has the largest private garden in London.